Our Company

Momentum Services International is a New-York based online strategic communications firm funded in 2009 by former journalist and business intelligence analyst François Tillinac.

Our company provides web-designed content, and expertise on SEO and online reputation management. Our services include Web Magazines, online PR, e-Lobbying as well as crisis management.

Momentum’s teams help you design innovative and effective online communication strategy campaigns and suitable solutions to face the Web challenges and opportunities.

With clients in America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Momentum has a full vision of how Internet changes your business globally as well as on a local scale.

 Online Communication

Clients, partners, competitors, investors, compliance officers: they all get most of the information about you, your products and your reputation through search engines and social networks.

If you lose grasp over this strategic dimensions of your reputation, you’re losing control over your communication as a whole.

Momentum offers you tools to reclaim your online reputation, speak out, be heard and engage your strategic targets.